Celebrating our 50th Anniversary!

Our goal is to strive for excellence in our teaching and performing.
Make yourself at home, and scroll through our list of experienced teachers.
*NCTM: Nationally Certified Teacher of Music
Teachers: If your information is not found in our list, please fill out this form.
Join SLAMTA to connect with your professional colleagues, find resources for ongoing education and for musical opportunities that nurture and inspire your students. Our goal is to strive for excellence in our teaching and performing.
Your SLAMTA membership will include membership at the National (MTNA), State (MMTA) and Local levels (SLAMTA). The total fee for current membership at all three tiers is $137. The active membership year runs July 1 through June 30. Individuals over age 70 qualify for Senior Membership rates.
Be sure to sign up at the Local Level (SLAMTA) for ALL of the benefits you receive as a teacher and for you students throughout the entire year!
Collegiate Membership is open to all college music students who are also members of an affiliated state association and a collegiate chapter if available. Collegiate members enjoy all benefits of membership, but do not have the right to vote or hold office or enter students in MTNA Competitions. The collegiate membership year runs from October 1 through September 30.
MTNA National Collegiate membership dues are $19 and Missouri dues are $5.
Upon graduation from college an MTNA student member may receive a 50% discount on National dues when changing their membership category from student to active. A student member may either write or call National Headquarters to apply for this discount.
Corporate and Institutional Memberships both offer a wide variety of benefits including a link from MTNA's website to the company's or institution's website; official recognition in American Music Teacher magazine and when exhibiting at the MTNA National Conference; and special pricing on mailing lists, sponsored emails and sponsored webinars. Corporate and Institutional members will also receive a complimentary one-year subscription to AMT and the MTNA e-Journal. Membership dues are $200.